Top 5 Reasons Why Pytes Batteries Are The Best Option For Off-Grid Energy Storage

Due to rising utility costs, solar power systems and solar energy storage options have become a popular choice for home and business owners. One of the best examples of solar energy storage innovations expected to rule the market in the foreseeable future is the Pytes battery E-BOX-48100R. Its innovative minimalism-inspired design and immaculate construction technology ensure maximum efficiency with little to no hindrances and failure risks.

As reputed solar energy contractors, we’re going to take a close look at the Pytes battery E-Box 48100R and share five fundamental reasons why the Pytes battery is the best choice for your off-grid solar power storage needs.

Read Also: Rising Alberta Electricity Rates

Safe, Certified, And Clean Energy

Solar energy is the cleanest form of energy with zero greenhouse gas emissions. However, although solar panels are a clean energy source, they cannot store excess energy for later use. To resolve this issue, you can use battery energy storage, such as Pytes batteries. The Pytes battery can easily store the excess energy not required during the day and use it during power outages or at night.

The Pytes battery meets the standards of the new Canadian Electrical Code for energy storage installation. Also, unlike lead-acid batteries, its lithium iron phosphate chemical composition is one of the safest you can find in batteries.

Designed For Enhanced Convenience

The manufacturers of the Pytes battery pay close attention to each of its features to ensure maximum efficiency. The battery’s space-optimized assembly and compact configuration make it a great space saver and easy to install. The battery requires little to no maintenance, enhancing its cost-effectiveness.

If anything goes wrong, the product’s easy disassembly allows you to seamlessly replace a damaged or faulty cell instead of replacing the whole battery.

Wide Range Of Applications

The Pytes battery is a high-performance battery that provides 5.12 kWh (51.2 volts at 100 amp hours) for optimum off-grid solar power storage. This makes Pytes battery a viable substitute for grid-tied and off-grid solar systems. Resultantly, the Pytes battery is a good fit for residential use and small-scale industrial and commercial business activities.

Smart Battery Management System With Boosted Protection

The Pytes battery’s integrity is further enhanced by its smart BMS, which helps you keep a stringent eye on its operation. From real-time temperature, voltage, and current measurements to system monitoring and battery life calculations, everything is available for you to view and monitor.

Long Life Cycle And Ten-Year Warranty

In contrast to other batteries that give out in about five to eight years, Pytes batteries come with a ten-year warranty, flaunting 90% depth of discharge (DoD). As a result, our Pytes batteries and high-end solar power systems are great suitors for each other. Collectively, they provide you with a long-lasting and stress-free energy supply.

About Dandelion Renewables

With a solid commitment to environmental preservation, we aim to provide safer,  cleaner, and long-lasting solar energy solutions to meet the world’s ever-rising energy appetite. Learn more about Dandelion Renewables and our exquisite offerings.

Want to purchase a Pytes battery? Check out our Pytes Battery E-BOX-48100R now.

Also see our Pytes Battery Teardown Video:

pytes battery

Edmonton’s Change Homes For Climate Program

Edmonton homeowners can apply for a rebate to be used towards the installation of solar. The program is providing $0.40 per Watt for existing residential units and $0.30 per watt for new homes. The program has a maximum of $4,000 available per dwelling unit.

As of this post, the program is already 77% filled. This may be the last year this grant is available, so you will need to consider getting a quote and see if solar makes sense for your home to benefit fully from the money that is available.

Edmonton’s Change Homes For Climate Program

(Solar Rebate Program, 2022)

The solar rebate program secures your refund after you complete part 1 of the application process. If you are thinking about installing solar now is the time to get your questions answered and consider going green while these saving opportunities are available.

Why Go Solar

With the Greener Homes Grant and with the Change Homes for Climate Program available now is the time you can save the most on your solar system. Investing in solar not only contributes to lower carbon emissions but lowers your risk to volatile electricity rates. If you are thinking about getting an electric car you can fuel your own vehicle at home and with rising fuel prices save on refueling your vehicle.

Rebate Requirements

Installation requires a qualified solar provider.

“Residential Property” means a building or building(s) located within the municipal boundaries of the City of Edmonton that has one of the following residential uses under the City’s Zoning Bylaw #12800:

  • Apartment Housing
  • Duplex Housing
  • Row Housing
  • Semi-detached Housing
  • Single Detached Housing
  • Stacked Row Housing
  • Mobile Home
  • Garden Suite
  • Garage Suite

An eligible Residential Property may have one or more dwellings, as defined in the City’s Zoning Bylaw #12800. In such a case, each occupied dwelling is eligible to participate in the CHCSP.

Eligible Expenses

“Eligible Expenses” are defined as the following expenses which are eligible for inclusion in the calculation of the maximum payable incentive:

a) expenses for the purchase of the solar PV equipment for the project (i.e. solar PV modules, racking, inverters, transformer (if any), cabling, conduit, fittings, disconnects, and monitoring interface);

b) expenses for the design, development, energy modeling, engineering (structural, electrical, civil, geotechnical), specification, procurement, and construction of the project;

c) expenses for obtaining the required electrical permit and grid-connected approvals, and any required building and development permits;

d) expenses for completing the required electrical inspection and building inspection for the project; and

e) expenses borne by the applicant for transmission and distribution system upgrades necessary to obtain interconnection approval.

You can review the full terms and conditions here.

How To Apply

Dandelion Renewables will design, acquire permits, install, and handle the application process for the city rebate. We take care of getting you set up with solar so you don’t have to. We aim to reduce the carbon footprints of our clients and offer an opportunity to save on their electricity bills with the increase in Alberta’s electricity rates. We are proud to be one of the top-rated solar and renewable energy contractors in Western Canada. Contact us for more information. Check out our latest blog post on Rising Alberta Electricity Rates.


Solar rebate program. Change Homes for Climate. (n.d.). Retrieved March 9, 2022, from

Rising Alberta Electricity Rates

Rising electricity rates are becoming more common in Alberta. If you are not locked in with your rate chances are your bills surprised you this winter. In the last 3 years we have experienced swings from 0.04 to 0.16 cents. That is a 300% range of volatility.


(Historical, 2020)

Why is this happening?

To answer this question we first need to understand how we get our power. In the past Alberta’s primary energy source has been from coal and natural gas. Coal, when not considering the cost to the environment and to public health, is one of the cheapest and consistent power generating sources costing around $18 per MWH in 2016. For reference winds intermittent power has averaged around $48 per MWH. However renewable energy costs have been decreasing dramatically year after year and is expected to continue on this trend.

One reason we see market volatility is Alberta’s goal to become net zero for carbon emissions in the energy generation sector by 2035(CBC,2022). The first stage for Alberta’s net zero goal is to start the reduction of carbon emissions. Alberta will accomplish this by first removing one of the leading contributors to CO2 emissions coal power generation. By the end of 2023 all major coal power production will be removed or transitioned to natural gas plants. This is a huge accomplishment for Alberta and to complete it in a short period of time as well.

As a society what can we do about it?

With more intermittent power generation from renewable sources and transitioning our existing infrastructure the market is reflecting these transitions. As our usage of renewable energy matures we will inevitably innovate ways of offsetting the intermittent generation of renewables. Some innovative solutions required for this are energy storage solutions like batteries or the creation and storage of hydrogen to be then burned later to provide power. Both allow for the storage of energy when renewables are at peak generation.

How and when we use our electrical energy will influence our prices. Our culture needs to adapt to our changing infrastructure. By offsetting when we use our electricity over the day we can actually contribute to lowering rates in the market. If we as a collective work together to change when we decide to do laundry, turn on the dishwasher or when to charge our electric vehicles we can greatly reduce the strain on our system.

As a homeowner how can solar help against changing rates?

By generating the power you require yourself, homeowners can limit their own risk when rates inevitably increase. Energy costs will naturally rise with inflation, transmission fees, and many other factors regardless of where we get our energy from. Think of it as an insurance policy that sits on your roof that generates power day after day. An insurance policy with federal grants and even some municipal grants depending on where you are located. They help contribute to the sustainability of the grid when grid-tied and help remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Not only does helping the environment feel good but you can save on every future energy bill you get moving forward.

How we can help

Dandelion Renewables contributes to the planet’s sustainable energy future by offering healthy environmental solutions. We aim to reduce the carbon footprints of our clients and offer an opportunity to save on their electricity bills with the increase in Alberta’s electricity rates. We are proud to be one of the top-rated solar and renewable energy contractors in Western Canada. Contact us for more information. Check out our latest blog post on the Greener Homes program.


CBC/Radio Canada. (2022, February 4). Opinion | Alberta steps closer to ending coal power, faster than many expected. but then comes the hard part | CBC news. CBCnews. Retrieved February 24, 2022, from

Historical Alberta fixed & floating rate prices. (2020, March 22). Retrieved February 24, 2022, from

MCCAC – EV Charging program

MCCAC – EV Charging program

The government of Canada and the provincial government of Alberta are teaming up to help bring electric vehicle charging stations to your municipality. This program will cover up to 100% of the costs for setting up electric vehicle charging stations on municipal owned land. Imagine your municipality having charging stations at your public library or your local community pool or hockey rink. Or your municipality having its own electric vehicle fleet keeping our air clean.

The Canadian government’s recent ban on the sale of gas cars and light duty trucks is to take place around 2035. Municipalities need to ensure they are supporting the transition to electric vehicles for their citizens and their own fleet vehicles. This funding provides the opportunity for municipalities to expand their charging infrastructure with little to no risk. It also allows for learning in implementing this new technology.

Electric vehicles have different level charge stations, Levels 1, 2, 3, respectively. Level 1 charging is the slowest charging method and is covered by the MCCAC. Level 2 charges at a much faster rate of 19 to 120 km/hr. The range of charging speed is determined by the output of the charger and the max rate the vehicle can charge at. Level two is the most common charging level and is the recommended level for public charging. Level 3 are fast chargers and make up the majority of the rebate table below. The Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) provides a table of rebates for charging below.

Charger Type Technology Conditions Maximum Rebate
Networked Level 2 Connectors 3.3 kW to 19.22 kW Any Commercially available and network-capable EV Chaging station certified for use in Canada. The charger must have a SAE J1772 standard plug head or be a proprietary** connector type rated for a minimum of 3.3kW power output. Up to 100% of total cots, to a maximum of $10,000 per connector*
Networked Fast Charger 20 kW to 49 kW Any commercially available and network-capable EV Charging station certified for use in Canada. The fast charger must have at least one (1) chaDEmO charger connector and one (1) CCS charger connector to be proprietary** connector type rated for a minimum of 20kW power output. Up to 100% of total costs, to a maximum of 30,000 per fast charger
Networked Fast Charger 50 kW to 99 kW Any commercially available and network-capable EV Charging station certified for use in Canada. The fast charger must have at least on (1) CCS charger conector or be a proprietary** connector type rated for a minimum of 50 kW power output. Up to 100% of total costs, to a maximum of $100,000 per fast charger
Networked Fast Charger 100 kW and above Any commercially available and network-capable EV charging station certified for use in Canada. The fast charger must have at least one (1) CHAdeMo charger connector and one (1) CCS charger connector or be a proprietary** connector type rated for a minimum of 100 kW power outtput. Up to 100% of total costs, to a maximum of $150,000 per fast charger

* To Qualify for Level 2 rebatee funding per connector, each connector must be able to charge a vehicle and support a parking space simultaneously. Fast Charging Station funding is based on the number of chargers.

** Proprietrary connector types can represent a maximum of 75% of aall charging connectors installed at the same project.

(MCCAC, 2022)

Why is it important to have EV chargers in your municipality?

Electric vehicle owners base their direction of travel on where the best chargers are for their route. Having access to chargers in your municipality puts you on their stop location for a charge. Those who come to charge visit nearby stores, check out local shops and coffee spots, and visit any attractions to make the most out of their stop.

When it comes to site location there are three main things you need to consider:

What utility service does your location have available? Is your local area distribution set up to handle the increased power requirements of the charge stations? This involves reviewing what transformers are in the area and how much power is currently being used and at what times you can expect peak usage.

How long will the vehicles be charging for? If you have longer charge times available like work locations, malls, or the pool your charge station will differ then if you have a short rest stop which would require a fast charger.

How visible is the station? For fleet vehicles public visibility will not be pertinent, however for public charging you need to make sure the location can accommodate signage as this is one of the program’s requirements.

MCCAC Assistance

Moving through the application process is made easier as the MCCAC provides one on one support to aid in the completion of the application. With a 100% return it is not without limitations. Your municipality should be aware there is a spending cap of $200,000 to ensure funds are split across locations in Alberta. You can find out more about this in the .

We Can Help

Dandelion Renewables contributes to the planet’s sustainable energy future by offering a wide range of environmental solutions. We offer a full service site visit to better understand your needs and ensure you get the maximum benefit and value out of the grants available. Our engineering team will help answer all the unknowns when it comes to setting up your new chargers for your municipality. We are proud to be one of the top-rated solar and renewable energy contractors in Western Canada. Contact us for more information. Check out our recent in depth EV blog post.


MCCAC. (n.d.). Electric vehicle charging program – EVCP-Guidebook. Retrieved February 4, 2022, from

What is the Sunniest City in Canada?


Canadian winters are infamously long and dark. For many of us, the search for the sun is never-ending. When summer arrives, I, myself, like to lie in the sun and bask in the warmth like a lizard. However, the sun is helpful for much more than being a lizard. Using solar panels, you can convert the nearly endless energy of the sun into clean electricity. So, where in Canada can you find this scarce resource?

To answer this question, I will be using Environment Canada’s Climate Normals and Averages from 1971 to 2000. I will be using the total number of bright sunlight hours per year. But first, a few notes. Firstly, the distribution of weather stations is not even across the country. Weather stations are heavily concentrated in populated areas, so I will not be able to measure the sunlight of every small town. Secondly, not every weather station measures sunlight. It is typically only the weather stations in larger cities that do.


Let’s begin with the big three of Canada: Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. It may come as a surprise to no one at all that Vancouver is the least sunny of the three, with only 1,928 total sunlight hours a year. Montreal is a close second with 2,028 sunlight hours a year. Just barely beating Montreal, Toronto is the sunniest of the three, with 2,037 hours of sun a year.

A quick Google search for “sunniest place in Canada” will lead one to stumble upon Calgary. With 2,405 sunlight hours a year. Calgary consistently claims to be the sunniest city in Canada. The prairies are Canada’s sunniest region. Regina has 2,338 hours of sunlight a year, not quite as much as Calgary, but close. Calgary’s northern sibling, Edmonton, receives 2,299 sunlight hours a year. Impressive by national standards, but no match for Calgary. With 2,406 hours of sun, Swift Current is on the same level as Calgary. However, on the South Saskatchewan River, in between Calgary and Swift Current sits an often-overlooked city. Medicine Hat, Alberta, receives a whopping 2,512 hours of sunlight a year. Dandelion Renewables’ own solar farm is an hour from Medicine Hat in Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. Unfortunately, the weather station in Maple Creek does not provide data on sunlight hours.

So, there you have it. Medicine Hat is Canada’s sunniest city. But before we conclude, I would like to settle some local disputes.

British Columbia

In British Columbia, both Victoria, on Vancouver Island, and Cranbrook, in the Kootenays, claim to be the province’s sunniest city. According to Environment Canada, Victoria gets 2,193 hours of sunlight a year, impressive considering it’s a coastal city. Cranbrook gets 2,190 sunlight hours a year. Although Victoria technically wins, the difference between the two is only three hours, within the margin of error. We may never know what the sunniest city in BC is.


With 2,087 hours of sunlight a year, Hamilton, Ontario, is slightly sunnier than surrounding cities such as Toronto and London. However, with 2,167 sunlight hours a year, Thunder Bay appears to be the sunniest city in the province.


If you live in the prairies, you will need fewer solar panels to produce the same amount of electricity as people in other parts of Canada, making solar an economical choice. However, if you live in Vancouver, for example, do not despair. Solar may still be feasible. You will simply require a larger system than your friends in Saskatchewan. Even though Canada may not be the sunniest country, we have more than enough sun to make solar panels a reliable and bountiful source of electricity.

Understanding Permaculture

The study of permaculture is relatively new, yet, it is incredibly vast and growing each year. It would be unrealistic to explain all the specificities of permaculture, so, in this blog, I will only attempt to provide a basic understanding.

What Is Permaculture

Although there is no definite definition of permaculture, David Holmren first conceived permaculture as the intersection of agriculture, landscape design, and ecology. The term was coined in the 1970s by David Holmren and Bill Mollison, who were searching for an alternative to our destructive agriculture practices.

Introduction of Monoculture

Modern agriculture is efficient, but it is also destructive in many ways. Monoculture is the cultivation of a single crop on a piece of land year after year. It is known to lead to rapid soil deterioration and increase the severity of pests and infections.

To counter the adverse effects of monoculture, modern agriculture utilizes synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, contaminating the air and local water sources. What is particularly worrying is that the typical North American eats these harmful substances daily. These chemicals are often expensive, favoring industrial-scale farms over small or personal farms.

Why is Permaculture Better?

Every year, we hear of droughts, early frosts, pests, or heat waves devastating crops somewhere in the world. Yet, natural ecosystems remain relatively unaffected.

Permaculture looks to natural ecosystems for solutions. We can find greater resilience, productivity, and sustainability by mimicking nature.

One of the critical principles of permaculture is diversity; planting multiple species within proximity of each other, when done correctly, can increase the well-being of all the participating plants. Some plants possess traits that work perfectly together. Using complementary characteristics of different plants to create a mutually beneficial environment is known as companion planting. Companion planting can create a nearly endless web of plants that all benefit each other and create a more resilient system as a whole, much like a natural ecosystem.

Once you have established diversity in your garden, there is the possibility of reusing and repurposing. Use the trimmings from your fruit trees as mulch for your vegetables, save your food scraps, start composting to make fertilizer for your garden, save your grey water to water your garden during dry spells, and use solar energy to pump the water. An ideal permaculture farm is entirely self-sufficient.

Another essential principle of permaculture is to observe and to design to the specifics of your land. For example, consider the local climate, the direction of the wind, and the history of the land, to name a few. You can use all these variables as strengths.

One of the incredible things about permaculture is its ability to transform barren and abused land into a productive and lively place. Given the patience it needs, nature will reclaim almost any piece of land. Permaculture practices require more time than typical modern agriculture, but you can expect to see larger yields and less maintenance once you have established your agricultural ecosystem.

Modern farmers spend large amounts of money on maintenance equipment, seeds, and chemicals, so they cannot afford to skip a cycle or five to establish a permaculture system. Although farmers can take inspiration and apply specific techniques, permaculture does not typically work on a commercial scale. However, if you are looking to produce food for yourself or your local community on a small scale, there are very few reasons not to utilize permaculture.


Permaculture now encompasses much more than just agriculture. It represents a cultural movement. The principles of permaculture have evolved into biomimicry, the idea that evolution is the world’s greatest engineer. Biomimicry has given us many great inventions such as more efficient wind-turbines inspired by humpback whales and quieter trains inspired by kingfishers. For many young people, permaculture promises to reestablish our lost connection with the land and create a healthier relationship with our planet.

Why You Need to Know About The Jobs And Growth Fund in Western Canada.

Does your business or organization contribute to the creation of jobs and long-term growth of local economies?

Or perhaps you foster inclusive recoveries for groups such as Indigenous peoples, women, youth, LGBTQ2, persons with disabilities, or newcomers to Canada…

If you answered yes to one of these, you might want to read on.

Also Read: Information About Greener Homes Incentive

Does This Article Pertain To Me?

Before you continue reading on, do you fall under one of these groups?

  • Businesses, including co-operatives
  • Not-for-profit organizations and community economic development partners
  • Incorporated businesses, primarily small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Not-for-profit incorporated organizations (including tourism associations and destination marketing organizations)
  • A municipality, municipal organizations, Crown corporations, and related parties
  • Indigenous/First Nation/Métis Settlement owned business
  • Indigenous organization

If so, then yes. This article is for you.

What Is The Jobs And Growth Fund In Western Canada?

Through this fund, a total of $700 million will be invested in Canadian projects that will facilitate job creation over the next three years and beyond to stimulate economic recovery following the COVID-19 crisis.

That $700 million is for all of Canada; however, in the West, Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) is specifically investing $217 million.

Who Is Eligible?

For the Jobs and Growth Fund:

You must be one of the two:

1. A business, including co-operatives


2. A not-for-profit organization and community economic development partner


Have activities that support the transition to a greener economy, like adopting green technology into your own business and supporting other organizations and businesses into transitioning to green energy

Have activities that foster an inclusive recovery, like supporting other businesses owned by underrepresented groups and actively working to make your business more inclusive

Have activities that preserve Canada’s competitiveness and future-proof SMEs through digital adoption, like investing in technologies to create more efficient business solutions, while also increasing resilience in your own business

Have activities that strengthen capacity in sectors critical to Canada’s recovery and growth, like helping develop Canada’s competitive edge in emerging markets and leverage traditional areas of strength in the Canadian market

What Would Make Me Ineligible?

Businesses that are not incorporated and for-profit organizations that do not align with the outlined activities are not eligible for the Jobs and Growth Fund.

How Much Can I Receive?

How much you receive from the Jobs and Growth Fund depends on whether you are a business (including co-operatives) or a not-for-profit organization/community economic development partner.

According to the government of Canada website:

Eligible businesses could receive interest-free repayable contributions for up to 50% of eligible costs.

Eligible not-for-profit organizations could receive non-repayable contributions for up to 90%of eligible costs.

It’s essential to note… eligible costs are deemed on a case-by-case basis.

What’s The Application Process Like?

Both will ask for details on:

  • Organization information such as an incorporation number
  • Project information and why this project falls under the particular fund
  • Project timelines for the proposed project specifically
  • Cash flows such as total fiscal expenditures
  • Current WD funding and non-WD funding
  • Total expenditures, total WD funding requested, and total non-WD funding
  • Funding partners, aka all potential project contributors that will provide funding as a monetary contribution or in-kind contribution
  • Benefits such as jobs created and other entities supported
  • Timelines such as milestones and completion dates

It’s crucial to have all this information ready and confirmed before applying.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to shoot us a message.

Good Luck!

Also check out the range of solar system installation services that we offer to all of Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan.

What You Need to Know About The Tourism Relief Fund

Quick Case Study Of Our Client – Fernie Fox Hotel

Just recently we began working on a project for one of our clients who owns a Fernie Fox Hotel. Our main goal was to make the hotel self sustainable by installing solar panels which will allow the hotel to produce more renewable energy than it was consuming. The solar modules supply power to grid-tie inverters, which allow energy to be fed directly back to the power grid. When consumption on site is low, this will provide the customer with a credit on their utility bill. After learning about the Tourism Relief Fund, we started working with our client from Fernie Fox Hotel to see if he would like to make his hotel even more energy efficient as there is a new capital investment the government is offering which he would most likely be approved for. The owner of the hotel applied and successfully was able to receive the funding for his hotel, which allowed us to go ahead and create a Net Zero hotel, reducing their electrical bill and reducing the environmental footprint of every individual who is planning on staying there! Do you reside in a community or region that relies on tourism as an economic engine or one that is transitioning to being more tourism-oriented? Maybe your business activities support the transition to a greener economy… If you answered yes to one of these, you might want to read on. The reality is Canada’s economic recovery depends on the health of its businesses and communities as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, as we begin to see the travel industry rebound, it’s essential to strengthen and develop our tourism sector. To help advance these sectors in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal government has created : The Tourism Relief Fund and the Jobs & Growth Fund in Western Canada. Also Read: Information About Greener Homes Incentive

Does This Article Pertain To Me?

Before you continue reading on, do you fall under one of these groups?
  • Businesses, including co-operatives
  • Not-for-profit organizations and community economic development partners
  • Incorporated businesses, primarily small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Not-for-profit incorporated organizations (including tourism associations and destination marketing organizations)
  • A municipality, municipal organizations, Crown corporations and related parties
  • Indigenous/First Nation/Métis Settlement owned business
  • Indigenous organization
If so, then yes. This article is for you.

What Is The Tourism Relief Fund?

Within a two-year period, $500 million will be invested into the tourism sector by the TRF. Although it won’t solve all problems, the funding could be vital in allowing a business to remain in operation and employ staff during the long road to recovery. Its mission is to position Canada to be a destination of choice for domestic and international travel once again through:

Product Development

Providing tourism businesses with the resources and tools necessary to create and improve products and services to attract more local and domestic tourists.

Destination Development

Offering the best Canadian tourism experiences to the world by helping the sector reposition itself to welcome international visitors.

Who Is Eligible?

For the Tourism Relief Fund, you must be one or more of the three: 1. A key supplier/operator in the visitor experience: You must aid the tourism economy by supplying critical infrastructure and services, connecting tourism products to potential markets, taking the initiative to build sustainable tourism projects, and supporting skill development in the tourism sector. 2. Part of a defined tourism cluster: You are part of a concentration of businesses that have complementary products and services and aim to support the main drivers of tourism in that area. You would have to reside in a local economy that is dependent on tourism or is transitioning to one that is more tourism-centric. 3. An anchor product in a destination: You are a motivator of travel to this region, and your business is a catalyst for tourists to choose your specific region of travel.

How Good Is My Eligibility?

For the Tourism Relief Fund, your project will be given priority consideration if it contributes to any of the following:
  • supports the Indigenous tourism sector
  • the business/organization is of strategic importance to the tourism sector in the region
  • contributes to the economic development of a region
  • contributes to job creation in the region
  • takes place in a tourism-dependent community/region, including projects supporting downtown cores
If your project falls under one of these, it’s highly suggested that you apply.

What Would Make Me Ineligible?

Businesses such as restaurants, those in the retail sector and hotel chains are not eligible for the Tourism Relief Fund.

How Much Can I Receive?

For the Tourism Relief Fund, for-profit organizations must specify whether they request a non-repayable contribution or a fully repayable contribution. Assistance is provided at the following rates and maximum amounts:
  • non-repayable contributions up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $100,000
  • repayable contributions up to 75% of eligible costs to a maximum of $500,000
It’s essential to note… contributions to a non-profit organization/Indigenous entity (not generating profits) will typically be non-repayable. In addition, contributions to projects usually do not exceed $500k, so don’t budget for more than that. And if you want to apply for a combination of non-repayable and repayable contributions? Just know it’s not going to be accepted. Please also checkout the range ofsolar system installation services that we offer to all of Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan.

What’s the Federal Greener Homes Incentive?

The Federal Greener Homes Initiative is a government incentive created to help reduce carbon emissions made by homes with an investment of $2.6 billion over seven years. Through this, homeowners can qualify for up to $5600 in grants to make their homes more energy-efficient. By making your home more energy-efficient you can effortlessly save money and live more comfortably. In this article, we’ll share why thousands of Canadians have made the switch to greener homes and how you can get started on reducing your energy bills.

How Does The Federal Greener Homes Incentive Work?

Did you know that your home accounts for 18% of emissions in Canada? Canadians use 5 times more energy than the world average and are large contributors to carbon emissions. The Canada Greener Homes incentive is a win-win for anyone who wants to help fight climate change and upgrade their home. Through this initiative, the government wants to help you make your home a greener place to live. Through offering incentives, the government plans to make greener homes all in an effort to bring carbon emissions down to Net-Zero by 2050.

What’s Included In The Greener Homes Incentive?

By creating greener homes around the country, Canadians are being incentivized with:
  • Up to 700,000 grants of up to $5,000 to help homeowners make energy-efficient retrofits to their homes, such as better insulation
  • EnerGuide evaluations (worth up to $600) and expert advice to homeowners so they can begin to plan their retrofits
  • Recruitment and training of EnerGuide energy advisors to meet the increased demand.

Why Should I Consider Making My Home Greener?

Since your home is one of your most valuable assets, it is important to invest wisely. Greener homes benefit from long-term energy savings, not only by using less energy but by ensuring the home needs less maintenance. By making your home greener; you’ll effortlessly be building value with the upgrades. Solar panels for example could potentially add 3-4% more value to your home instantly while saving you money.

How Do Greener Homes Benefit The Economy?

Aside from fighting climate change, the Canada Greener Homes Grant has created hundreds of new jobs for energy advisors and has allowed domestic green supply chains to thrive. Up to $10 million will be provided by the federal government to recruit, train, and mentor 2,000 people to conduct energy audits. By creating a cleaner, more sustainable Canada, future generations will be able to thrive and help build upon the foundation made by generations today.

Am I Eligible For The Greener Homes Grant?

Registration is limited to one homeowner per household. You will need to have documents proving that your residence is your “primary residence” with you, such as a government-issued ID or a utility bill. Landlords who live off-site will not be eligible. Local Indigenous governments and housing management agencies that partner with Indigenous organizations are also eligible for the program, but they may register more than one home.

Is My Home Eligible For The Greener Homes Grant?

According to Global News, eligible property types for the program include:
  • Single and semi-detached houses
  • Row housing and townhomes
  • All-season cottages
  • Mobile homes on a permanent foundation
  • Permanently-moored floating homes
  • Residential portions of mixed-use buildings
  • Small multi-unit residential buildings, which must be three stories or less and with a footprint no bigger than 600 m2.
New homes and highrise condos are not eligible.

How Can I Make My Home greener?

As per Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), the federal government branch in charge of running the program, the following upgrades are eligible for grant funding:
  • Insulation (up to $5,000)
  • Sealing to improve airtightness (up to $1,000)
  • Replacement of windows and doors (up to $5,000)
  • Installation of heat pumps and hot water systems (up to $5,000)
  • Installation of solar panels (up to $5,000)
  • Measures like battery backup, waterproofing foundations, and roofing membranes (up to $2,625)
  • The installation of a smart thermostat (up to $50, but it must be combined with another retrofit)
According to NRCAN, materials and equipment must be purchased in Canada or from an online Canadian distributor.

How Can I Start Applying?

  1. You can apply at the government of Canada’s website under “NRCan- Greener Homes’. From there you will then be asked to log in to your GCKey or Sign-in Partner account before you can apply.
  2. Book your pre-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation. Your EnerGuide will help you determine which area of your home will benefit the most from greener upgrades. It’s important to note you will be paying for this evaluation upfront.
  3. Start your upgrades and keep track of records for a seamless rebate.

How Long Could This Process Take?

Due to the high number of Canadians looking to make their homes cleaner, there has been a huge delay in the availability of EnerGuides available to audit homes. As mentioned, this is the required first step in the Greener Homes Initiative. Currently, there is a waitlist of 2-3 months to get started. Because there are only 700,000 grants available- if you are looking to make your home greener, it’s best to get started sooner rather than later.

What Are Some Drawbacks To The Greener Homes Grant?

A drawback that has some homeowners reconsidering is that you will not receive a federal grant for the upgrades upfront. This means at the start you will have to pay for all the upgrades out of pocket. Once the upgrades are approved and an audit is conducted, only then will you be able to receive a grant which can take about a month to process. It’s also important to note that not all upgrades qualify for the full grant of $5,600 and before applying to the program you should conduct thorough research and plan ahead.

How Much Will It Cost To Make My Home Greener?

Being that you do have to pay out of your pocket initially, the cost has become a top question amongst homeowners. On average the cost of upgrading a home depends on what work you’re doing and what season you’re doing it in as this can cause delays. Upgrading windows can cost on average $800 to $4000 while on the other hand installing solar panels can cost you approximately $12,000 to $25,000, fully installed. It’s best to familiarize yourself with these prices and create a budget with your household.

How Much Money Will I Be Saving By Making My Home Greener?

This again depends on the types of upgrades you are doing. Windows can save you about $126 to $465 a year, while solar panels can save you up to $1,200 per year. In addition, for every $10,000 for new windows; the asking price for a house can be bumped up by $8,500 higher on average. Solar studies show that property values can be bumped up as much as $6,000 for every 1 kW installed.

How Can I Get The Most Out Of The Greener Homes Grant?

Here are some valuable tips to help you get the most out of your grant:
  • Plan ahead: know which renovations are going to save you the most energy, and which ones are minor
  • Know what you’re working with: become familiar with the specific rebates on all your chosen updates (listed above) to ensure you can get the most bang for your buck
  • Take advantage of other programs offered municipally: programs such as Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) or Edmonton’s Home Energy Retrofit Accelerator (HERA) program


If you are looking to make your home greener, then the Greener Homes Grant may just be the push you need. However, homeowners need to understand that this is not free money, rather reimbursement for the upgrades you’ve done to make your home greener. While this reimbursement may not cover the full amount of upgrades done- these upgrades themselves will provide you savings for years to come. For homeowners looking to invest in their home and make it resilient for years to come, this is the perfect way to do so. Investing in your home will not only allow you to live comfortably but will bump up the property value on your home as well. There’s never a bad time to invest in your home but when looking into the Green Homes Grant, it’s important to take a look at your finances and understand what’s needed. For homeowners that do not have the money upfront or the eligibility- there are still tons of ways to save money on making your home efficient such as smart thermostats and upgraded LED light bulbs.

Off-Grid Solar and Heating Systems For Tiny Houses

Living in a tiny house is an appealing option for many. One of the most significant benefits of living in a tiny house is a lowered consumption of resources, especially electricity. Even in a cold Canadian climate, a tiny house can be completely self-sufficient and off-grid if you build it correctly. This can be accomplished by utilizing a combination of two things, creating your own electricity (via off-grid solar) and using less in the first place. Creating your own electricity allows you to be completely off-grid. In most applications, solar power is the easiest way to achieve self-sufficiency. We will focus mainly on solar power in this article. SOLAR MODULES AND BIFACIAL SOLAR When installing solar panels, there are a few things to consider. Solar panels are most efficient in northern climates with harsh winters when positioned on a steep angle. This helps the panels receive more sunlight when the sun stays close to the horizon during the winter. Additionally, the tilt of the solar panels will prevent snow from accumulating on top and obscuring sunlight. There is no reason to limit yourself to installing solar panels on the roof. Wall-mounted panels are a viable option for many. An exciting new technology, bifacial solar modules, can increase the production of solar power systems. Bifacial modules differ from standard modules because they can produce electricity from both sides of the module. If your roof is reflective, bifacial modules can significantly enhance the efficiency of your system. CHARGE CONTROLLER   MPPT, or maximum power point tracking, is a technique used to convert energy from solar panels to batteries. MPPT changes both the voltage and the current to maximize power output. Generally, MPPT is much more efficient than PWM.


While cold weather can negatively affect all batteries, lithium batteries are more cold-resistant than other batteries. We recommend using lithium as an extra precaution in cold climates.


Next, you need to figure out how best to heat your tiny house. There are a few methods. You can heat your home with propane, but this is expensive for a tiny house since you will need a propane tank. Plus, propane is not a renewable resource. Another option, an air-source heat pump, works by pumping air from outside and heating it through a method similar to air conditioning, but in reverse. Air-source heat pumps are one the most efficient ways to convert electricity to heat.  For a more rustic atmosphere, you can also use a wood-burning stove to heat your home. For a tiny home, using a real wood-burning stove is probably overkill and not the most efficient, but it has many other benefits. For example, you can cook on a wood-burning stove, which is arguably the “funnest” way to cook anything. Additionally, a wood-burning stove is not reliant on electricity, so in the case of an outage, you can keep your home warm.


If you design your home correctly, you can produce heat directly from sunlight, even in the winter. This is called “passive solar.” There are too many passive solar techniques to go over in this article, but we’ll cover the basics. The most important thing is to have large windows that face south to let in the sunlight. You also need to have a calculated overhang that will keep the sun out in the summer, when the sun is high in the sky, and let the sun in during the winter, when the sun hugs the horizon. It also helps to minimize windows on the north side of your house to help contain the heat. The final, and maybe the most important step, to have efficient heating is adequate insulation. If you are lucky enough to experience hot summers where you live, you can place one or two windows that open on the east and west side of your house to create a through-breeze. If you are lucky enough to have trees where you live (sorry, prairie provinces), then you can plant a few outside of your windows to provide shade in the summer and let light through in the winter.


Unless you enjoy the splendours of hypothermia each time you take a shower, you will probably want to heat your water. You can use thermal solar collectors, a technology that collects heat directly from the sun. You can also simply heat your water with electricity and a hot water tank. A not so obvious use for hot water is to run it through pipes in your floor in order to help provide heating throughout your home. This sort of in-floor heating is very effective in tiny houses. A frequent problem with solar power systems is that once the batteries have been fully charged, all the generated power is left with nowhere to go and is discarded. A clever way to get around this issue is to transfer your excess electricity into hot water instead and store the heat rather. As an extra precaution, you should keep your water-related appliances near the centre of the home so that they are the last to freeze in the case of an outage. It is necessary to take all the extra measures if you plan to have your home off-grid. Water expands when it freezes, and copper pipes do not perform well under pressure, whereas PEX or plastic pipes can stretch a little and remain intact.


When choosing a fridge for your home, remember that DC fridges are more compatible with solar panels. Solar panels produce electricity in DC, and each time you convert DC into AC, you lose energy. Choosing DC appliances can significantly increase your efficiency. You should also consider the placement of your fridge. There is no need to heat your house and then use more electricity to cool your fridge. We would recommend placing your fridge on the fringes of your home, possibly even within your wall. Since sunlight is more abundant in the summer, your electricity will be worth more in the winter. It is more efficient thus to cool your fridge in the hot summer months than to heat it up and then cool it down in the winter.


Building off-grid solar is all about risk management. We would recommend having a backup generator in the case that the weather is cloudier than usual or something else goes awry. A backup generator can be anything from a diesel or propane generator, a micro-hydro generator, or even a wind turbine. It does not have to be big, just enough to keep the necessities running. Diesel generators are more reliable in the cold Canadian winters; however, they also demand more maintenance. Micro-hydro and wind turbines are renewable, but they are also intermittent, just like solar. Depending on the day or season, the abundance of wind or water will fluctuate. Building a tiny house off-grid can be a daunting task. Hopefully, this article has helped you understand how best to go about building one. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We wish you the best in your construction.   Building a tiny house off-grid can be a daunting task. Hopefully, this article has helped you understand how best to go about building one. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We wish you the best in your construction.